How to Change the Local IP on your SGxx
When trying to change the local IP address on your SGxx, do you keep getting the error "The IP Address or SNM is invalid. Please check the IP Address and SNM settings and try again."? The following will explain why the error and how to correct it.
Network->Local->Private Address Settings Configure
The Private IP Address: field contains the static LAN IP address of your SGxx. Set the SNM: according to your private IP range (see this {IP Ranges). The Private IP Address cannot be within the range of your DHCP server! This is what causes the error you have been getting. You must select a Private IP Address that is that is in the same range as, but not between, the DHCP Start Address and the DHCP Start Address. Also, the first three octets, in this example 192.168.1, must all match.
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